Your Organization's Leadership Transformation Starts Here.
In today’s workforce environment (a conglomeration of Baby-Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials), coupled with remote and in house employees, leaders and business owners must recognize and fulfill the unique needs of every generation, and every employee as an individual in their organization if they expect to be successful, or even survive. The days of hiring based on skillset, dangling the prestigious promotion carrot, and offering traditional healthcare and vacation benefits have long lost their once alluring luster. To attract and retain top talent, companies must be aware of employee opinions and be forward-thinking in their efforts to daily optimize their employees.
T2T Tradition to Transformation Online Leadership Course Includes.
Step by Step How to Videos
T2T includes a robust and comprehensive online self-paced course, complete with step-by-step how-to videos with quintessential insight and tools to become the stand-out, top-performing, sought-after organization in today’s increasingly competitive work environment!
Downloadable and Customizable Templates
No more reinventing the traditional wheel. T2T comes with all the downloadable and customizable tools and templates to implement today’s better business practices for remote and in-house employees.
PowerPoints for Transformation Sessions with Your Leaders and Team
Gone are the days of having meaningless meetings. T2T PowerPoint templates provide the focus, intention, and platform to drive your organization's transformation.
Unlimited and Lifetime Access
Invest once, learn from the videos, implement the action items, and actualize the results over and over again.
T2T Tradition to Transformation
THE Online Self-Paced Proven Leadership Course For Thriving Businesses In Today's Competitive and Hybrid of Remote and In-House Workplace Environment
What Other Organizations Have Learned, Implemented, and Actualized Through T2T
And Your Organization Can Too!
Learn how to influence judgments and decisions that drive employee engagement, performance, and retention.
“Employees make judgments and form opinions about their organization every single day – from the first day.”
- Gallup®
Learn how to cultivate a culture of work-life integration with your remote and in-house employees.
“Bad work/life balance consequences at work equate to:
- 36% Poor Productivity
- 68% Poor Morale
- 41% High Turnover
- 41% Burn-Out/ Fatigue”
- Entrepreneur®
Learn how to capitalize on the individual and unique talents of your employees to increase employee engagement, collaboration, and retention.
“It’s past time for leaders to embrace their obligation to capitalize on the talents of their employees.”
-Crystel Lynn Smith & Dr. Sherri Yoder
A strengths-based approach to performance management is straightforward, appealing and decisive. Managers conduct performance reviews that encourage and make use of employees' talents and that offer recognition and development in line with their strengths. They set demanding, achievable goals and provide clear performance expectations. The result is that employees feel their manager knows and respects them.”
- Gallup®
Learn how to capitalize on personality and communication styles to increase employee, problem-solving abilities, communication, and collaboration.
“In a survey conducted by Workforce Solutions Group, it was revealed that more than 60% of employers say that applicants are not demonstrating sufficient communication and interpersonal skills to be considered for jobs. Apparently, while universities are able to nurture the necessary critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the next generation of employees, they neglect to teach soft skills that employees use to interact with bosses, clients, and each other.”
“About 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as “very important”, yet only 18% of employees get communication evaluations at their performance reviews.”
Learn how to increase employee engagement and retention by speaking their language of appreciation.
“78% of people would work harder in their jobs if they were recognized.”
- Globoforce Mood Tracker
Studies show “46% more turnover in companies with ineffective recognition programs”
- Bersin & Associates
Learn how to discover and declare the value all generations to increase employee retention, collaboration, communication and unification.
“66% of employees say they would likely leave their job if they didn't feel appreciated.”
“Among millennials, the number of employees who'd leave if unappreciated jumps to 76%.”
- Forbes
Learn how to deliver consistent on time and meaningful recognition to increase individual confidence and ability.
“Great managers know that they can never give too much recognition as long as it's honest and deserved. Acknowledging an employee's best work goes a long way toward making him or her feel valued and can lead to other desirable workplace outcomes.”
- Gallup
Learn how to increase employee engagement and retention with a strong and meaningful company vision, mission, and culture.
“Employees who don’t find their company’s vision meaningful at all have average engagement scores of only 16 percent. These are employees who do not care about the future success of the organization. They work primarily for a pay check and are willing to do very little beyond what is absolutely required to keep their jobs. Those who find their organizations’ vision meaningful have engagement levels that are 18 percentile points above average.”
- Forbes
Learn how to attract and retain top talent.
“To attract and retain top talent, companies must be aware of employee opinions and be forward-thinking in their efforts to daily optimize them!”
- Crystel Lynn Smith & Dr. Sherri Yoder
Learn how to increase company profit margins with training and development.
“According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), companies that offer comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training. But it doesn’t stop there. These companies also enjoy a 24% higher profit margin than those who spend less on training. It would seem that continuing to invest in training and development, even when there are economic downturns, is the smart play.”
- Shifte Learning
Learn how to modernize performance measurement programs to develp top performing employees.
“Performance measurement programs must be modernized in order to affect behavior and motivate staff. Older measurement practices attempted to measure every step in a process and often added overhead to the execution effort. Many existing programs, in fact, are characterized as being convoluted, time-consuming, and prone to providing misleading information. Of course, if an organization undercooks its measurement practices it should skip using them at all because weaker programs will make no material change to business results.”
- Inc.
Learn how to increase employee engagement, productivity, and profitability by aligning employee talents to their roles.
“When talent alignment is done wrong, employees feel undervalued, which could be one reason nearly 70 percent of Americans say they don’t feel engaged at work, according to Gallup’s latest daily tracking poll. But, done right, talent alignment can have a huge impact on a company’s bottom line.”
- Entrepreneur
Learn how to increase employee engagement, retention, safety, and productivity by giving your employees every resource they need to be successful every day.
“When managers ask employees to accomplish a goal but do not provide them with the necessary resources, credibility is lost. Great managers discover the needs of each person in relation to the outcomes they are attempting to achieve and position resources accordingly. One of the strongest predictors of customer engagement, this element also predicts employee retention, safety, and productivity.”
- Gallup®