Create Your Niche

As business owners we tend to be people pleasers. We want to do it all. Because we can, right? 

Doing it all will be the demise of your business unless you understand how to, have a plan to, and are creative in the way you scale your business. 

My client Jerry offered computer repair, computer training, social media workshops, Microsoft office workshops, managed services. The list goes on and on.

Sure, he was great at all of those things. AND offering all of those things created a whirlwind of ups and downs in his cash flow and constant chaos in his schedule. 

It also created confusion with his clients and referral sources. Who should they refer him to? What was his specialty?

I ran into Doug at the local coffee shop. We immediately began to discuss business as we often did and how important it was to create a niche. To be the expert, to be great at and become known for, that niche. 

“Jerry’s a prime example.” I know he does a lot of things but when I have a client who has a challenge, I always refer them to someone who’s the expert at that particular challenge. It’s just easier for me to refer them to an expert rather trying to figure out if this is something Jerry does.”

Doing it all will muddy what should be crystal clear (ok a little pun intended) to your potential clients and referral sources. It will provide you with missed opportunities over and over again. 

Think about all the products and services that you offer. Choose the one or two things that you love to offer, are the expert at, and generate the most amount of income.

Get hyper focused. Build your brand, your marketing, your message, and ultimately your business around those things

People will immediately recognize an opportunity to refer you. And refer you they will, over and over again. 

Your potential clients will see you as the expert and immediately reach out to you to solve their challenge. 

I was in Jerry’s office late one Friday afternoon. A young woman stopped by his office to visit before leaving for the day. 

“Hi. I’m Gina Lewis,” extending her hand. “Is Jerry still here?”

“Nice to meet you Gina,” as we shook hands, “I’m Crystel Smith and I’m sorry. Jerry has left for the day.”

“You’re Crystel Smith, the Business Coach?”

“That would be me.”

“I’ve heard great things about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And I really need you in my business!”

Gina ultimately became a client. 

In that moment I realized that I had, in fact, created a niche. I was clearly the Business Coach.  While I am an Author, a Speaker, AND a Business Coach. My message has been clear. I am a Business Coach. My brand, marketing, and business have all been built around Business Coaching. Sure, it provides an opportunity to speak, write, and even develop my latest product CCBS mobile app. However, it also provides a clear message that I am the expert at coaching businesses to success. 

Stop trying to do it all. Chose your one or two things, become the expert, create your niche, and your potential clients will come to you! 

Doing it all will also wreak havoc with your schedule leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Trust me I’ve been there and coached some exhausted and overwhelmed business owners. 

Getting hyper focused and creating a niche will free up all the time you were spending on the billion other things you were trying to do for your customers. 

Imagine if Jerry spent all of his time focused on building and marketing social media workshops (or any one of the services he offers). Even 20 hours a week, focused, building, marketing, and becoming the expert at teaching social media. 

It would be easy to recognize a potential client and refer him. He would gain the reputation of the social media expert. Potential clients would seek him out with every social media need. 

His time would be spent focused, rather that scattered across fixing computers, managing systems, creating new workshops each month with a variety of topics. It’s exhausting just thinking about trying to do all of that well AND maintain a sane schedule in the process. 

How much of your schedule feels overwhelming? How often have you ended the day and thought I was so busy but I got nothing accomplished or I just have so much to do for so many people and can’t ever get to everyone?”  

It’s time to narrow down, create your niche, become the expert, and gain more clients in less time.


Create your niche today:

  • Work less hours for more money
  • Be more productive
  • Feel less overwhelmed
  • Increase your referrals
  • Increase your conversion rate
  • Become the sought-out expert