Get Rid of Bad Clients

Come on. You know exactly who I’m talking about!

Those clients who always want to negotiate price, bombard you with emails or phone calls, and always have something to complain about. 

Ditch them! I’d venture to guess that those are the clients who are costing you the most money and time


Wilma was exhausted and making very little profit. She spent the majority of her days responding to emails and phone calls from clients who were, quite frankly, just terrible clients

Why? Because she loved her work and wanted to help everyone. Sound familiar?

If it does. Stop it today!

How do you stop it? 


Here’s how I’ve help countless business owners make more money in 20% of the time with this one change!

  1. Make a list of all of your clients
  2. Look through your receivables and verify two things
    1. Which clients made you the most amount of money in the least amount of time
    2. Which clients made you the least amount of money with the most amount of time invested.
  3. Keep only the profitable ones!


I know it’s scary to fire clients.

But imagine if you filled the time that you’re spending on serving those clients who frustrate you with their demands with clients who were like your best clients. Those who pay full price, never negotiate, value your talent, and free you to do the work they’ve hired you to do.

The obvious answer is this. You will generate more revenue in less time and with less frustration. 

The numbers don’t lie.

Let’s compare Wilma’s first and second year in coaching with just this one change.


Year 1 Year 2
Number of clients 51 12
Number of hours worked 3000 1100
Number of top clients 8 12
Number of hours worked with top clients 600 900
Number of bottom clients 43 0
Number of hours worked with bottom clients 2400 0
Revenue from top clients $88,916 $142,265
Revenue from bottom clients $51,084 0
Total Revenue $140,000 $142,265
Average hourly income from top clients $148 $158
Average hourly income from bottom clients $21.29 0


Wilma worked a third of the hours she worked in the previous year and made more money just by ditching those clients and replacing those 43 clients with 4 additional top clients!

  • Get rid of bad clients:
  • Make more money
  • Work less hours
  • Reduce your frustration