I just need a warm body! The job isn’t that hard. I could teach anyone to do it. I just need coverage!
I can assure you that by hiring warm bodies, just someone to fill the role, you’re costing yourself more money, time, and frustration.
Hiring a warm body sets you up for turnover.\!
According to Adecco USA, losing and hiring a new $30,000.00 entry level employee can cost you $57,449.78 in HR time, time spent advertising, interviewing, hiring, training and lost productivity!
Check out Adecco’s online turnover calculator and see what your turnover is costing you!
The more senior the bad hire the more costly.
Hire a warm body for a senior position and you can expect the turnover to cost you 30% to 150% of their annual salary
You’ll miss opportunities to hire the best.
Once the roll is filled, it’s filled. (At least until you or the employee decides it’s time to part ways.) Your next great candidate may be right around the corner. You’ll never know what potential candidates you may have missed.
Your team morale will suffer.
Remember, your organization is made up of a team of individuals who serve a common purpose. Add the wrong player to the team and watch your team begin to become frustrated and less productive.
You’ll lose good employees.
Hire a warm body who isn’t productive, effective, efficient, and just seems to show up every day and your other employees will quickly become resentful and ultimately find an organization who values their talent and hires strong colleagues for them to work with.
You’ll get a bad rep.
No one ever stays at that company for long. They’ll hire anyone but they never keep them.
Warm bodies are the result of taking a short-cut to speed up recruitment, rather than an investment opportunity with a compelling ROI!
Stop hiring warm bodies:
- Increase team morale
- Increase productivity
- Increase profitability
- Increase employee retention
- Decrease cost of turnover