One Lesson Won’t Do It Crystel Business Owner February 21, 2023 0Repeat, repeat, and then repeat again! If one could be a professional golfer and win the World Cup after...
What are You Committing to When You Hire a Business Coach? Crystel Accountability January 8, 2023 0“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never achieve their maximum capabilities.” — Bob Nardelli, CEO Home Depot Hiring a...
Let Go of Your Employee Self! Crystel Business December 23, 2022 0You’re a business owner now and it’s time to start thinking like it. John was a plumber. He was tired...
Know Who You Want to Work With Crystel branding November 4, 2022 0Joe loved working with senior citizens. He also enjoyed working with small businesses. Let’s not forget the non-profit sector that...
No More Chasing Prospects Crystel Business October 28, 2022 0“Crystel, these people just don’t get back to me. They were ready to buy. I gave them the form to...
Stop Leaving Your Business to Chance Crystel Accountability September 14, 2022 0People will spend countless hours planning for one week of their year, their vacation. They may even spend months planning...
Stop Wasting Money and Time on the Shotgun Marketing Approach. Do This to Get In Front of Your Ideal Clients. Crystel Customer Retention August 22, 2022 0What’s your target market and how do you plan to reach out to it? All too often, companies and business...
No more waiting 30-90 days for payments. No more tough conversations with your clients. Crystel Efficiency July 1, 2022 0How much time do you spend invoicing your clients each month? How much are you paying someone to manage your...
Stop Discounting Crystel Business Coaching June 16, 2022 020% off this! 50% off that! Stop the madness! In general most small business owners discount either to increase sales...
Add Value and Increase Your Average Dollar Sale Crystel Business May 2, 2022 0Now that you’ve stopped the discounting madness it’s time to focus your attention on providing more value. Adding value is...