Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself

I should get up earlier.

I shouldn’t sleep so late.

I should go to bed earlier.

I shouldn’t stay up so late.

I should hire an assistant.

I shouldn’t try to do it all myself.

I should save more money.

I shouldn’t spend so frivolously.

I should eat better.

I shouldn’t keep eating so much junk food.

I should pay more attention to my company finances.

I shouldn’t ignore my company finances.

I should go to the gym.

I shouldn’t just sit at my desk all day.

I should join a networking group. 

I shouldn’t be such a recluse. 

I should. I shouldn’t. I should. I shouldn’t. I should. I shouldn’t.  

Stop shoulding all over yourself! 

Should and shouldn’t require no action. Those words give us a way to share our desire to accomplish something without actually having to accomplish it. They give us permission to keep doing the things that don’t benefit us. If you want to change your actions, you must first change your verbiage.

Starting today when you find yourself shoulding about something change your words. Rather than saying I should say I must. Rather than saying I shouldn’t say I must not. Using the word must or must not will give you an instant gut check about whether this is something you really want to accomplish or something you just think you’re supposed to accomplish because that’s what society says you “should” do. 

Here are two examples of how to stop shoulding all over yourself and be successful. 

In order to make $1,000.00 today I shouldn’t MUST NOT (fill in the blank) 

  • I MUST NOT Sleep until 8:30
  • I MUST NOT Skip breakfast
  • I MUST NOT Be unprepared to close the sale with Mr. Jones

Therefore, in order to make $1,000.00 today I should MUST (fill in the blank) 

  • I MUST get up at 7:00 am
  • I MUST eat a healthy breakfast 
  • I MUST review Mr. Jones contract so that I am confident in the close
  • I MUST call Mr. Jones to close the sale

In order to be healthy I shouldn’t MUST NOT (fill in the blank) 

  • Stay up too late
  • Eat junk food
  • Watch TV all evening

Therefore, in order to make $1,000.00 today I should MUST (fill in the blank) 

  • I MUST go to bed at 10:00 pm
  • I MUST go to the grocery store and buy healthy food
  • I MUST prepare and freeze my meals for the week on Sunday 
  • I MUST Workout at the gym 3 days a week
  • I MUST get an accountability partner

Use the template below to stop shoulding all over yourself and accomplish the things you want to accomplish!

In order to __________________________________









Therefore, in order to 









Stop shoulding all over yourself:

  • Accomplish more
  • Stop feeling guilty
  • Feel successful 
  • Be successful