Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Money

As a small business owner, especially as a solopreneur, your days can quickly become filled with the admin and operation to do’s of running your business. This constant hamster wheel of I’ve got to get everything done will eventually get you right back to where you started, with no customers. Only this time you’ve incurred debt or have additional financial obligations that you must now meet to run your business. So, back on the fast track you go. Chase the work, do the work, chase the work, do the work, wash, rinse, repeat.  

Running a business requires a delicate balance of generating income and creating systems for the business to run effectively and efficiently. And the reality is that if you spend too much time systemizing your business and not enough time focused on getting customers, eventually you won’t need systems because without customers, you won’t have a business. 

How do you maintain the balance? Well, at least until you’re able to hire and delegate? 

Do one thing, every day, that makes you money.

Yes, it’s that simple. Yet so often solopreneurs forget that without money they don’t have a business. 

What is one thing that you could do right now to make money? 

  • Reach out to potential new clients until you get a yes 
  • Sell a portion of your inventory 
  • Enroll someone in your online class
  • Offer a special “today only” deal 
  • Offer a special gift card purchase 
  • Collect on old receivables 
  • Offer buy one now get one later deals
  • Enroll one new customer in monthly subscription
  • Follow up with former customers
  • Follow up with lost leads
  • Offer a buy in bulk special
  • Offer delivery with “today” purchases
  • Get a deposit on scheduled work
  • Offer a bundle deal


Do one thing that makes you money every day:

  • Have a consistent flow of income
  • Get off the chase the work do the work track