Stop Trying to Do Everything. Do This Instead.

Do ONLY what you love that makes you the most amount of money, in the least amount of time!
Joshua, a local photographer, offers commercial, portrait photography, wedding photography , sports photography , and local event photography, along with photography classes and traveling photography adventures.
Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about it!
Joshua loves to travel and he loves to teach photography! So, why is he doing all of those other types of jobs? Because he thinks he has to. The truth is offering products and services you don’t enjoy offering in business because you think you have to results in:
Procrastination: If you don’t like to do it you will put it off.
Less than perfection: You may rush through it just to get it done. Or you may not like to do it because you’re just not good at it. (By the way, that’s okay. You don’t have to be good at everything to be successful in business.) However, not being good at something and doing it because you feel like you have to is a dangerous combination.
Time taken from what you should be focused on. If you’re spending your time trying to offer tons of products and services that you don’t love you’re effectively taking the time that you could be spending growing the part of the business you actually enjoy.
It’s a scheduling nightmare: Imagine trying to schedule (successfully) all of Joshua’s services. Some take 2 hours. Some take 8 hours. Some are done over months.
Marketing is expensive: The more products and services you offer the more target markets you must have and the more money and time you must invest in reaching different targets.
Your message is muddy. Who are you? What do you do? How can you help me, your client? You must be clear! Be concise! And be consistent!
Your menu of services is overwhelming and unclear. If you walked into a Chinese restaurant and ordered a pizza they would very quickly tell you that’s it’s not on their menu. Why? Because it’s not what they love to do. They love to serve Chinese food and that’s all they do.
Do only what you love:
 Get a clear message
 Get more focused on your target audience
 Clean up your schedule
 Stop procrastinating
 Be more efficient
 Be more effective
 Become the go-to person